Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Death of Something Great

Hey everyone, I know I’m a little bit late with the blog but I’ve just been too occupied with language study to think about what to say. The past two and a half weeks have been wake up, study language, and then practice it on your own. I wish I could fill this blog up with interesting stories but I’ve honestly been spending most of my time studying language. Brady and I are taught by either Jon or Sofi for two sessions a day at two and a half hours per session. Then after dinner I usually pick up the flash cards and hit it up for another hour or so.
Studying language all day does make one thing more interesting, sleeping. Sometimes when I go to sleep I will see my friends from America and they are speaking English and then all of a sudden things turn black and I just hear a word I’ve been studying repeat over and over. However, when I wake up the next morning and the teacher asks me what that word means I am quick to respond.
Brady and I have been trying to practice our language among the locals but are kind of wavering in our success. Some locals feel obligated to help out, others find it funny to see foreigners stumble over simple words and help us out just to hear us say more. Unfortunately we do not know enough to actually communicate with them beyond simple phrases. Today was the first time we learned simple conversation sentences like “how are you?” and “Do you like ____ I like ____” so maybe now we can grow a little closer to them.
Normally I like to describe what I’m doing here in Asia in this blog, more than what I’m thinking about; but I would like to make a quick exception. I’ve been talking to my Daddy about what I will be doing with my life after College, because I have had a hard time thinking about saying goodbye to my life down at Bolivar. That’s when He told me something, “The death of something great, gives birth to something greater.” When I asked my Daddy what I will do after college He responded with one word, “Japan.” I know my College days are winding to an end but what is starting now and will take place after College is, and will be, so much greater.
Some things I am learning besides the language is the importance of family. I believe that my Daddy will give me time after college to build up the relationship I have with my family and maybe even start a family of my own. But enough about my thought’s, I’m living out an awesome opportunity as we speak, and I plan on taking full advantage of it. I very much love East Asia and the people that live here, and hopefully with the language I am studying I will begin to start building relationships with them soon.

P.S. The internet restrictions have been decreased now that we know the best method of language study. I will be able to keep more in contact through Facebook and hope to post my pictures here:

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