Friday, September 14, 2012

Why So Soon . . .

. . . well it’s because there are some things I wanted to tell you and I didn’t know when I would get a good opportunity to share them again. You see Brady and I are moving this weekend into a new apartment that is closer to the high school and I don’t know if it has internet access. So here are a few things I wanted to mention before we leave.
            We got to talk to the head English teacher the other day and we will officially be teaching at the local high school starting this next Monday. We will have about three classes in the morning, some we will teach separately some we may teach together. After lunch we will have a break and then come back in the afternoon for an English corner were we get to discuss anything we want with the students. After dinner we are free to hang around the high school and hang out with students until they have a study hall at 7:00.
            I really hope to pour into these students lives over the next nine weeks or so. This is honestly the part of the trip I’ve been looking most forward to. However, due to our housing situation I have no idea how well I will be able to update you guys through email or Facebook. You guys really are the third man on our team and I’m sorry that you might have to play bench for a while but just know that things are still going great down here. Thank you guys again for the support I love ya.

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